Online instruction is no longer far from our reality as scholars. With increasing demands raised by not only the pandemic, but also the extension of the outreach of academic teaching, and enhanced learning options with people with special needs, it is essential to create an efficient and effective online learning environment. My role is to assist the faculty in designing their courses in this virtual environment using critical technological skills in an innovative and compelling fashion. 

Course design is a decisive step in academic online instruction as the students face many challenges unlike in-person instruction. There is no in-person interaction between the instructor and the student, no classroom environment that keeps the students in focus, and sustaining the self-discipline and motivation can be trying for students in courses where the only interaction is with the screen of their computers. 

While it is possible that some faculty might not have any experience using certain technological platforms or skills, my task is to guide and assist them in this process, step-by-step. Hence, it is essential to prioritize the needs and challenges faced by the students, and address these needs and challenges in the course design process.